Earth Day 2021

To stand out in the sea of low-effort social media posts, I pushed for HZ’s marketing team to do something more impactful on Earth Day. Instead of creating basic content for LinkedIn and Instagram, I concepted and executed a digital activation that would shut down the agency’s normal website for a day.

The website takeover redirected traffic to this site to educate visitors about the environmental consequences of modern web design. Every detail of this low-impact site was intentionally designed with accessibility and education at top of mind. Additionally, I created social and email assets to support the initiative and drive traffic to the page.

HZ’s normal homepage (as of 2021) generated 9.79g of CO2 per visit. On Earth Day, it generated only 0.06g of CO2 per visit. In addition, this low-impact Earth Day site scored 100 on lighthouse performance on mobile and 99 on desktop.

PM/Design: Jenny Gan | Dev: Jesiah McCann | Writer: Austin Duck

HZ Rebrand 2022


HZ Manifesto Video